Like most monkeys, my mind is strong and undisciplined and I lose my perspective on a regular basis. I'm always having to redirect my attention up out of the muck and mire of the daily drama of life, at least if I want to experience a moment's peace!
Perspective is probably one of the most valued elements in a modern monkey's mental tool kit. Hardest to find, easiest to lose, expensive to replace, invaluable upon application.
Whether we're trying to keep one's, take another's, or discover a whole new perspective, the process involves getting some distance on the story.
Lake Lucerne, Switzerland

While the view is lovely, the key is the telescope.
For a moment, step behind the telescope.
Imagine that while focusing on the distant shoreline, you see the mind wrestling ferociously in the mud with some story. Riveted with the details of the plot line, whether hero, villain or victim, absolutely the leading man or lady, the mind whips round and round.
And from this side of the lake, watching the whole show through the telescope, all the drama seems franticly comical, and at the same time, distant and remote.
Story after story. The mind has infinite explanations and justifications for how this story is new, different, and very important. How this time the story is real.
Trained by Wile E. Coyote, supplied by Acme Tools, the characters race off of cliffs and get nailed by anvils.
It's pretty hard to take the mind seriously from way over here.
And the funniest part about these characters? You see that you're related to most of them!
Whether biologically, economically or socially, there's always a central role for the mind in the story. Family dramas, neighborhood scuffles, company scandals, political intrigues. Some story lines more powerful than others, always repeating. The mind slides easily into character - taking positions of outrage seeking justice, conquering personal agendas, pushing desire driven outcomes that most assuredly have much greater meaning.
The mind scrambles for the high ground, pretending that the story has a satisfying conclusion, victory within sight, triumph over evil just a story board away.
"Oh really?" as my friend loves to say when the stories in my mind have grown righteously and pointedly dramatic. He's gently reminding me that I've lost my perspective and slid right back onto the muddy banks of the lake.
Stepping back behind the telescope, the story edges soften and fade.
Ever wondered, if your mind is over there wrestling in the mud, who's behind the telescope?
For those who like to think about definitions -
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